Totul despre leadership

Coaching the CEO (II)

A small detail that everyone in organizations tends to ignore is that there isn’t a harder job than the one of the CEO. The explanation is pretty simple: he/she is the first person in line responsible for the whole organization and from this position everybody expects to receive all the answers. Moreover, in most cases they’re the only ones who can make the hardest decisions. Therefore – the need of a special kind of coaching for the CEO.

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Coaching the CEO

And this year, looking back at individual coaching programmes, I’ve noticed that 90% of my clients are CEOs in multinational or romanian companies. That’s why I’ve decided to write a series of articles dedicated to them.

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30 de lectii in 30 de ani

Acum, dupa cativa ani de la acea conversatie, imi dau seama cat de bun este sfatul ei. Si uitandu-ma inapoi la cei 30 de ani de viata, am sintetizat 30 de lectii pe care le-am invatat, lectii despre a fi un om mai bun.

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