Coaching-ul echipei de management

Ce se intampla cu echipele de management?

Echipa de management este, din mai toate punctele de vedere, cel mai important grup din orice organizatie. Ei au cea mai mare putere de a influenta mersul lucrurilor. Deciziile lor au reverberatii nu numai pentru orice alt membru din organizatie, ci si pentru viitorul intregii companii. Foarte multi dintre voi isi doresc cu putere sa ajunga la acest nivel. Multi dintre voi sunt deja acolo si au realizat ca, de cele mai multe ori, echipa de management are prea putine resurse si abilitati pentru a-si atinge obiectivele.

Membrii echipei de conducere sunt alesi, de obicei, din cauza responsabilitatilor lor functionale. In plus, mai exista un criteriu care, indiferent cat de emotional suna, atarna greu in balanta extinderii echipei de management: „pe X nu trebuie sa il lasam pe dinafara, e …important!„. Implicit, majoritatea echipelor nu se simt suficient de sigure cat sa isi asume pana la capat design-ul si viitorul companiei. De cele mai multe ori, echipele de management sunt de fapt grupuri de manageri seniori, fiecare cu responsabilitati departamentale si fara nici o idee de a lucra impreuna, altfel decat in interactiuni si dezbateri individuale.

Poate te voi surprinde cu informatia urmatoare: folosirea echipelor de conducere in varful organizatiilor este un fenomen relativ nou. Modul in care leadership-ul structural si functional este organizat in companii este rezultatul unor modele culturale foarte puternice. Hegemonia modelelor de business din Occident (si din USA) a modelat definitiv aparitia si functionarea echipei de management din varfurile organizatiilor. Insa altceva este foarte important, in acest contezt: in ultimele decade, folosirea echipei de management a devenit din ce in ce mai importanta din cauza cresterii complexitatii si diversitatii problemelor, atat in piata specifica (care a devenit globala!), cat si in interiorul companiei (care a fost nevoita sa se adapteze la modele globale de business!).

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Coaching in a nutshell

Should I hire a coach for this?”  is maybe the newest question for the vast majority of young talents in management or entrepreneurship. More and more organisations – in Romania and eveywhere in Europe – are thinking about hiring a coach, more and more professionals are asking for coaching in their workplace, but still many others don’t have a clear picture about what to expect so that they can make an informed decision.

Working as a coach, I’m accompanying my clients to discover what is really important to them. And this is, maybe, the most decisive step towards personal or professional succes. Not what they should do, but what they want to do, what they truly want to reach in their activity, company, life. Maybe it’s increasing profits of cashflow. Or the integration of management and leadership after a large change. Or just getting uncluttered from the day to day activity and gain a completely new, fresh strategic perspective. Or getting the life they always dreamed of.

With a coach you can step towards what you really value — what really gives you “mojo” (this one is from Michael Goldsmith!), energy and motivation.  Together we create positive environments and interactions, in which the you grow, change and become a clearer, faster, better individual. For example: do you want to start that business you’ve been putting off for the last 3 years?  Or do you want to make a significant change for the better in your relationships? Or  maybe you just want to bring your current business to the next level? As a coach, I am partnering with you to design and implement effective strategies to do all this …and a lot more. You will be encouraged to go beyond your personal limitations, to expand your way of  accomplishing things, to put to work your hidden potential.

In a nutshell: a coach is a professional human being dedicated completely to your accomplishment and succes.