4 thoughts to “Cum sunt perceput de voi?”

  1. citez din completarea Johari window, zambind catre cel care a „reusit” sa ma ajute sa ma cunosc mai bine:

    ei si ele si noi ceilalti thinks: silly, nervous, proud, bold, dignified.”

  2. Arena

    (known to self and others)

    confident, giving, independent, mature

    Blind Spot

    (known only to others)

    able, accepting, adaptable, bold, brave, calm, caring, cheerful, clever, complex, dignified, extroverted, friendly, helpful, idealistic, ingenious, intelligent, kind, knowledgeable, logical, loving, modest, nervous, observant, organised, patient, powerful, proud, reflective, relaxed, searching, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, silly, spontaneous, sympathetic, tense, trustworthy, warm, wise, witty


    (known only to self)



    (known to nobody)

    dependable, energetic, happy, introverted, quiet, religious, responsive, shy

    All Percentages

    able (4%) accepting (4%) adaptable (4%) bold (4%) brave (4%) calm (36%) caring (9%) cheerful (13%) clever (9%) complex (18%) confident (9%) dependable (0%) dignified (4%) energetic (0%) extroverted (4%) friendly (31%) giving (13%) happy (0%) helpful (9%) idealistic (4%) independent (31%) ingenious (4%) intelligent (27%) introverted (0%) kind (4%) knowledgeable (13%) logical (22%) loving (9%) mature (22%) modest (13%) nervous (4%) observant (13%) organised (27%) patient (4%) powerful (9%) proud (9%) quiet (0%) reflective (13%) relaxed (9%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (4%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (18%) sensible (4%) sentimental (4%) shy (0%) silly (4%) spontaneous (4%) sympathetic (13%) tense (4%) trustworthy (13%) warm (13%) wise (18%) witty (4%)

    Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 19.12.2009, using data from 22 respondents.
    You can make your own Johari Window, or view Mihai Stanescu’s full data.

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