Impactul coaching-ului (informatii de acum 10 ani!)

Am primit ieri seara un e-mail foarte interesant, de la unul dintre colegii mei de breasla. In mesaj, o multime de informatii despre cum arata „lumea coaching-ului” acum aproape 10 ani. Le impartasesc cu voi, in ideea ca „vintage is the new new”:) si adaug cateva impresii din evolutia pietei romanesti de servicii de coaching:

„Research by the International Personnel Management Association (IPMA)

Results of which were published in January 2001, concluded that „ordinary training typically increased productivity by 22%, while training combined with life coaching increased productivity by 88%”.

In 2001 am avut primul client organizational de coaching: o companie straina, care tocmai apelase la un coach celebru pentru a dezvolta skills-uri de leadership (abilitati de conducere, se spunea pe atunci). Am fost invitat sa particip la sedintele lor de grup dintr-un noroc, il stiam pe directorul de HR al acelei companii. Grupul-tinta nu auzise in viata lui de „coaching”, insa au participat cu entuziasm la tot programul. Rezultatele au fost „cutremurator de pozitive”: compania respectiva a ajuns pe locul 1 in piata de profil, in mai putin de 6 luni. Pentru mine, acesta a fost „prom-ball” in directia coaching-ului.

„Research by the Chartered Management Institute and Campaign for Learning „Coaching at Work”.

Results issued in a press release dated 16th May 2002:

80% of executives say they think they would benefit from coaching at work and dismiss the suggestion that coaching is just another fad – Virtually all managers (96%) think coaching should be available to every employee, regardless of seniority – 85% of managers say the main value of coaching is in enhancing team morale – 80% of managers value coaching for generating responsibility on the part of the learner.

Va invit sa cititi inca o data: mai toti managerii vor coaching pentru ei si colegii lor. Indiferent de pozitia in organizatie. Din 2002 incoace, cu fiecare client, am incercat (cu unii am si reusit!) sa generez o miscare interna la fel de entuziasta. Romania are modelele ei de conducere si absentele ei, in aceste modele, o stiti cu totii. Insa un lucru este evident: rezultatele obtinute din coaching sunt guvernate de responsabilitatea si seriozitatea relatiei de coaching. Ah, si sa nu uit: daca nu era FUN ce faceam, ma lasam de coaching inca din primul an! 🙂

„Research by The Lifecoaching Company – „Coaching Today Survey”

Research took place at the HRD Show in London in April 2002, respondents all HR professionals.

– 86% held very positive views on coaching

– 86% of respondents’ organizations have offered coaching at one time or another and coaching is CURRENTLY taking place in over one third (36%) of organizations

– Respondents feel that coaching achieves the following desired outcomes:

* A positive impact on other aspects of participants’ lives, both at work and outside the workplace (96%)

* A feeling amongst participants of ownership of the issues and the outcomes (85%)

* Evidence of learning being put into practice (71%)

* Readily-quantifiable and positive results, often demonstrated on the company’s „bottom-line” over the long term (62%)

TOP 4 words associated with COACHING (from a given list) were:

* Supportive (98%)

* Empowering (82%)

* Holistic (80%)

* Inspirational (77%)

TOP 3 words associated with TRAINING (from the same given list) were:

* Prescriptive (71%)

* Rigid (70%)

* Intimidating (50%)

Prescriptiv, rigid, intimidant – cuvinte care descriu aproape in totalitate managerul roman al acelor ani. Ca sa aveti o imagine completa, as adauga „rezistent la efort/stress” si „n-are timp, dar are nervi”. Romania a adapostit in piata de management o URIASA cantitate de training. De ce? Simplu: calitatile programelor de training oglindeau calitatile managerului-client. Rigid (asa facem pentru toti!), prescriptiv (nu mai are rost sa discutati si cu clientul final, asta e solutia, un timbilding!) si intimidant (pai dea, cum sa avem alta parere, trainingul asta a fost adus din State si acolo aia stiu sa faca biznis!)…

„HR Survey 2002

LEE HECHT HARRISON surveyed 488 Human Resource professionals to learn how coaching is being used in their organizations.

Companies are increasingly turning to coaching for leadership development, style issues and talent retention, so it makes sense that 55% of respondents said that their organization uses coaching as a one-on-one process intended to maximize management and leadership potential and 54% do so to change behaviors. A surprising number of respondents indicated that their organization uses coaching for personal/psychological counseling (36%), advice on appearance or attire (13%) or preparation for a major speech or presentation (11%).

Intre timp, RoCoach (si yours truly) s-a dezvoltat si in directia antrenarii echipelor de manageri, nu numai a intalnirilor 1 la 1 cu dansii. Asa am avut sansa sa fiu martor la dezvoltari mult mai puternice si cu impact sensibil mai mare asupra afacerii in sine. Grupurile de manageri cresc „vazand cu ochii” odata ce isi redefinesc relatiile si mediul in care traiest, ca si business.

Ca si coaching individual, va ofer un amanunt picant: in intalnirile individuale cu top-managerii din companii, consilierea personala are un rol insemnat; multi dintre sefi au vietile profund dezechilibrate, desi investesc cu disperare in ridicarea calitatii vietii. Cel mai interesant model mi se pare acela in care managerul de top tinde sa replice relatiile de la servici cu familia. Sau invers. 🙂

Michigan-based Triad Performance Technologies, Inc. studied and evaluated the effects of a coaching intervention on a group of regional and district sales managers within a large telecom organization.

The third party research study cites a 10:1 return on investment in less than one year. The study found that the following business outcomes were directly attributable to the coaching intervention: Top performing staff, who were considering leaving the organization, were retained, resulting in reduced turnover, increased revenue, and improved customer satisfaction. A positive work environment was created, focusing on strategic account development and higher sales volume.

Customer revenues and customer satisfaction were improved due to fully staffed and fully functioning territories. Revenues were increased, due to managers improving their performance and exceeding their goals.

Q.E.D. la postarea anterioara, primul factor este decisiv!  😉
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COACHING-ul are un impact extraordinar asupra vietilor oamenilor.


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